Introduction to Machine Learning

Machine learning is a subfield of artificial intelligence in the discipline of computer science intersecting mathematics, statistics and even biology.

Machine learning gives computer the ability produce the best output without being explicitly programmed beforehand. It has the ability to learn from a large data set and construct a model from the data it sees. Therefore, complex and intricate patterns in the data set can be analyze and capture by the machine learning algorithm. In certain application of machine learning algorithm, its ability has been proven even surpassed human performance. This phenomenon has been most clearly illustrated by AlphaGo (Go chess) playing competition where machine vs. human.

How Machine Learns?

Machine learns by mimicking how human brain learns in a high level or simplistic way.

Human brain learns by building a mental model of our world constantly. This model is continuosly tweaked with new sensory information from our environment. The neurons in human brain is constantly rearrange themselves and build/destroy connections between them to best adjust the model to reflect the world it sees.

Machine builds its model based on mathematical and statistical formula. Human is still required to instruct and load the best mathematical/statistical formula we deem suitable to solve a specific problem. Therefore, human would still need to command the knowledge of which algorithm is most effective for a particular problem or data set. Therefore, a flexible machine learning model deployment/prototyping tool would assist us to quickly apply the most effective machine learning model onto real world problem.

How Cortex can Assist Me?

Cortex lowers the barrier of entry to machine learning deployment with centralized, easy-to-use, end-to-end integrated platform covers data ingestion, ML training and testing and consuming insight.

Cortex gives you the power to experience, prototype and test which machine learning algorithm is best suitable for your use case. It runs inside a contained sandbox environment without having other component dependency outside of Cortex.

Cortex enable a business users without technical knowledge in the field of machine learning to start leveraging machine learning algorithm with our predefined templates for different use cases. This give you the head start without months of preparing and integration with data storage and insight visualization.

Cortex lower the cost, time duration and project implementation risk on machine learning implementation. Our end-to-end integrated, unified and flexible platform immediately enable you to jump into the modeling phase without the hassle of integration with other components.

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